Cameron Cooperative Elevator Association
Est. 1920
Organized December 1920 and open for commercial business in February 1921, Cameron Cooperative Elevator Association has been in business to assist area farmers for the last 90 years. Cameron Co-op was organized under cooperative laws of Missouri and originally had 150 members. Currently there are 1229 members. Cameron Co-op was founded with the motto: "Where neighbor joins with neighbor" and "Cooperation is the Golden Rule of agriculture." These same principles are at work today as shown by the current Mission Statement of the elevator: "To provide high quality, competitively priced products and services that will enhance the growth and profits of our members." Cameron Co-op keeps this mission in mind as they work to enhance services offered.
When Cameron Cooperative was originally formed, it dealt in coal, feed, oils, gasoline, sewer pipe, and all farm products. It bought and sold grain, and operated a mill for grinding feed. An article in the 1922 History of Clinton and Caldwell Counties published by Historical Publishing Company describes the building as "modern in every way". It occupied 1/2 block along the Burlington Railroad, and also two concrete warehouses with 12,500 bushel capacity.
There have been many changes throughout the years, but one thing still remains the same: the dedication to serve the farm community.